
Homework Guide


At Donington Cowley Endowed Primary School we believe homework can provide a useful support to learning undertaken in the classroom.

Homework is effective where it enjoys the active support of parents, who are made aware of the content of homework as well as arrangements for distribution and collection.

Children are set homework to extend their learning and to practise skills learnt.

Homework also provides opportunities for parental involvement in children's learning.

Key Stage 1 and Reception children are set homework once a week, based on the week's learning. Home reading books are changed three times a week. Children are also given a set of high frequency words, that are tested once a week in school. Years 1 and 2 are given spellings once a week too.

Key Stage 2 are set homework once a week, based on the week's learning. Tasks are completed in a single homework book. Children are regularly given spellings, number bonds, tables etc to learn and practice at home