

Welcome to our PTFA page where you will find all our information about events and fundraising.
If you would like to join the school PTFA or have a chat about what is involved, please contact the school office or email ptfa@cowley.lincs.sch.uk

We have a good selection of pre-loved uniform available for sale through the school for 50p an item. Please see the school office or email the PTFA.
Easy Fundraising - Fundraising made easy!
Shop online as normal but by clicking through the Easy Fundraising page means that we gain a small % towards the PTFA funds at no extra cost to you! Whether it's your weekly online shop or booking your holiday, there are lots of companies listed that we're sure you will shop through.  If you're feeling competitive, there's even a leader board of the top 5 fundraisers for the cause!  Use the link below or scan the QR code to sign up now and find out how it all works.
PTFA Meeting
New members are always welcome to join the PTFA.  You don't have to be on the committee to be part of the PTFA. 
Please come along and find out what it is all about!
Our next meeting is: Thursday 6th March at 3.30pm