

Year 3 and 4
Badgers Class 2024-2025
Class Teacher - Mrs Ogden (Monday, Thursday and Friday)
Mrs Dougill (Tuesday and Wednesday)
Mrs Wesley (HLTA) Thursday pm

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Glass
Welcome to Badgers Class. My name is Mrs Ogden and I am extremely excited to be teaching you this year. We have lots of exciting things planned so please keep checking the website.
Please remember to read at home each night and write in your reading record - we will check these when you bring them into school the next day. 

Keep practising your times tables on TT Rockstars!
PE Days

Wednesday and Friday- please come to school in your PE clothes on these days. 

Forest School Day

Our forest school day this term is 26th February. 

Homework will be set each Friday and will consist of activities the children have recently covered in class. This should be returned the following Thursday.  
Children should all know their TTRS logins as well as Purple Mash logins. Please take part in TTRS several times a week. 
Every week, the children should be learning their spellings, times tables and reading at home. 
You can contact Mrs Ogden using our class email.
Star of the week this week is:
Star Reader this week is:
Archer and Oliver
Citizen of the week is:
Sophia and Jessica
We came 2nd this week! Well done 
We came 3rd in the Times Tables Challenge! Well done, Badgers