
Educational Visits and Clubs

Educational Visits & Clubs at our School
Year 3 & 4 Lunchtime Clubs
Over the last few weeks, children from Years 3 and 4 have been coming up with their own ideas for lunchtime clubs. The clubs are run by the pupils themselves for other children. These clubs allow and encourage socialising and spending time with children who may not usually play together but also, encourages turn taking and empathy. The children are enjoying their new responsibilities and taking their roles very seriously. Some club leaders have also offered to extend their clubs to KS1.
After school clubs 2024/2025
Aylmerton 2024
Our residential trip this year is once again taking place at Aylmerton Outdoor Education Centre. This is a 3 night adventure that our year 5 and 6 children are invited to attend. We will be holding a parent meeting for those attending the trip, details will soon be communicated along with the kit list and itinerary for the weekend.